Thursday, April 23, 2009

If I met a Genie...

If I met a Genie today..and considering the 'condition' the world is in today, I dont think 3 wishes would suffice.. I am gonna get greedy and say... 

If I met a Genie today, and she were to grant me 10 wishes, I would ask for --
  1. I wanna Holiday far far away, right now, where there is no mobile network and no cable network (IPL is on...)
  2. I want a back Massage..sigh.. I have s****ed up my Back again... so quite in pain!.. actually a Day at the Spa will do too! :P
  3. I would love to go to Delhi, to my parents for a week.. and do nothing but eat yummyummm "mamma ke haath ka khana".. sniff sniff..
  4. I wanna Shop! Like Really.. not 'recession' shopping..but ShopShop.. coz i have a list, hon! ;)
  5. A Holiday...i know i know.. again.. now u know how 'desperate' i am for it. But this time, I wanna go to Brisbane.. Coz its beautiful.. its happening.. and my Sister is there.. hehe.. So i wanna Party Party Party..and Shop Shop Shop.. :D
  6. I wanna eat carb-loaded food -- and not put on an ounce of weight! Thats Right.. we wanna eat yumm too!
  7. I wanna be Appreciated at Work.. Ya i know i am being 'wanting/greedy/immodest'.. but wat the hell!.. i am working my a** off here... and unlike the 'project guys' who get appreciated for coding some code and doing extra hours.. us marketing ppl get nothing.. Coz we are 'supposed to work' and thats just normal!! &%^&&$&*$^*$*.....uffff
  8. I want to run away somewhere with my S, and not be found for a weekend.. i swear... I soooo wanna do that!!
  9. I want a Good Young Leader to be chosen for our country.. not to sound all-blahblah.. but honestly, i cant have another 80+ neta enforcing his stupid outdated rules and blah at us.. not again!
  10. I want to crib less in my life...about my life.. Coz what i am not realizing is that.. I am wasting and ruining my present..coz I 'want this and want that'! So, I promise to S.. babe, I officially quit Cribbing from Today! :D.. pomishhh!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

A Fitness Regime Has Begun...

I am crazily paranoid about my weight! Yes yes.. i am one of those women, who counts the calories while eating and i think.. i really think... i put on a kg or 2 if i 'SEE' delicious carbohydrates!! Yikes! Its the story of my life. I have never been a 'Thin' person.. In fact, all my life, I have battled the 'weight-loss-weight-gain' cycle. How I have wished to be, for once, that Size-oh-so-kareenaish-zero... but nooo.. I have not! At my best (that is now) I am a size 8, and I have sort of settled myself there. Come on, its wayyy too difficult to work out for 3 hours a day to go below that - what with work and stress and blah blahs of life! So, my goal now is to:
  1. Eat healthy
  2. Stay Fit
  3. Maintain my current weight (wouldn't hurt if I manage to miraculously loose another 1-2 kgs)
  4. Find out that darn time to Exercise Daily ( least 5 times a week!)
Recently, I say about a month back, SMM introduced me to this group called 'Fitness Fervor'. Their tagline is -- 0% fab; 100% flab. So apt, i say...and also, Hail to that! :D. 
Let me give you all a backgrounder -- It is a blog effort initiated by Roop (another fitness freak) and has a whole lot of fitness freak contributors who discuss weight loss, exercise plans, schedules, diets, fitness regimes and share notes of their failures, day-to-day stress and we all chip in to help/motivate! When I read a couple of early introductions, I saw a whole lot of me in a whole lot of them. They were all looking to find fitness, looking to successfully complete a diet, looking to juggle Work, Workout and Home at the same time! I jumped in.. 
So, before I go further, let me tell you a bit about me... rather spell it out -- I Need External Motivation. Period. The reason for my constant battle with the fitness is coz I am highly lazy when it comes to my fitness. I need someone to be there next to me urging me to workout, I need that external force to make me wanna workout, I need someone next to me saying, "dont have that samosa/pizza/burger"..else i eat it. :( Another truth is -- I Love Food. Period. I cant live without it. It is one thing in my life, that makes me smile/go wheeeeeeee/feel good..etc..etc... 

So, for the past few months, S and I have not been working out.. at all! We were regulars at the gym and then one fine day we just stopped! Oh and before I forget to mention my one big achievement in life, I lost about 13 kgs last year before my shadi and in the quest to maintain that, I was regular at the gym, post wedding! So I have not been the typical newly married who gets bloated coz "she is married now..and who cares". Well I Care! Damn I do! I wanna be 'Hot for Hubby'! He should be proud of taking me out! And oh I love clothes! hehe...

But damn the work and damn the stress, we stopped! For the last 4 months or so, I have been controlling my weight-gain (I dont think I want to become that fat-me will I fit in my sexy clothes??..teeheee) by controlling my food. I know.. I know, its the worst thing to do. So I would eat out today, and control my food for the next 2 days.

I decided to end this with Fitness Fervor. I had found my External Motivation Force. I had to do something about myself. S and I had come to the conclusion that Gym was out of question. We did not have a set time to go and work out and come back (what with work and morning meeting calls and maids...). When I signed up for FF, I knew I could not just 'do nothing'. I had to follow some sort of workout regime (otherwise I wouldn't have any updates..hehe). So I started...rather, S and I started (yes yes.. i managed to get him going too) :)
And today, 2 weeks of following a regime, S and I are placed such, in our Fitness Regime:
  • 1 1/2 hours of every morning workout
  • Home-cooked food for 5 days a week (I cook in Olive Oil and follow a very healthy diet)
  • No Eating Out, if eating out, then Healthy eating only. 
  • No alcoholic beverage.. except Red Wine for Moi and Whiskey for S. (maybe once a week)
  • We have bought dumbells, exercise mat and Resistence Band.
  • We have started 2 fitness routines -- XBX (for women) and 5BX (for men).
  • We have enrolled on an online website -- SparkPeople, which helps you plan your fitness and diet goals and has Videos of workout routines. You must check it out! Helps me plan my meals and has great videos for Abs and Muscles. Its Free too! ;)
  • S and I have started the 200 sit-ups Challenge too. It is a great way of just doing your abs. :).. This is not so much to see if you can do it, I am sure you all can.. But it is just a good way of doing it in Reps (repeats)!
May I proudly say -- S and I have been following the above for 2 Successfully Fit Weeks and we feel absolutely great in the mornings. Infact I have started waking up at 7AM (I am a lazy person as I said earlier.. hmph!)... and putting on my shoes to start the workout in our spare room. And, needless to say, it is absolute fun to Workout with your Partner (recommended). We joke, We pull each other's leg, but more than that, we motivate each other to strive for more... :)

And I am simply hooked on to getting back in shape again (whatever little wobbly i got there..)!!! 
PS: I will keep you all updated with new links to workouts, new diet plans, new ways of getting fit and fitting in your favourite Saaxxxy clothes! :)
Cheers to Fitness!
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