So I finally return to the Blog World after a month long
disappearance.. [
tanu spreads her arms out for the blog world and hugs] :) It has been a crazy crazy month... In a few pointers... my take on what all has been up on my side since I wrote last:
- My fitness Regime - Has been going well. We have found some great videos..courtesy Youtube.. and even though there is no sign of weight-loss (damn).. I see a consistency and a healthy attitude and mind I never felt before. There are two additions to the information bank on Weight Management Blog that I wrote before. I hope the links I gave you earlier were helpful in some way or the other. So adding to that 3 other things:
2 links that can give you 20
mins of full-on
cardio workout at home, without equipments! It gives you that Kick-start of the day that you so badly need and since no equipments required.. you will thank me for saving your money! :)
A book that I swear by, a must-read for everyone.. It is, I consider, a Bible for Fitness.. Sort of breaks all myths revolving etc! I actually found out that most of things I was doing was Wrong!
Don't Lose your mind, Lose your Weight by
Rujuta Diwekar.. She is God to me at present! A Must-Read for everyone wanting to lose weight, maintain weight or almost falling into diet-traps!
- My-in laws were in town for 3 as usual I was busy doing 'seva' and earning Brownie Points! It was a full-house.. there were people in the house every single minute and our lives n the small apartment suddenly seemed large and huge! It was fun I say!
- May was also the month of S and My Birthdays... So it was celebration Full-On! So we had 3 birthday celebrations in all -- 6th may (S's bday).. we went for a nice quiet dinner, 17th May (moi's bday) was a family affair.. shopping, lunch, midnight surprise... aaah! the works!:) and Then .. 30th May (the party--hyy).. we threw a lavish Hawaiian Brunch Party for our friends at The Beach on Sunday.. which culminated into a great all-day party affair! Oooohh How I love Celebrations and How I love Buddays! :)
- My point of view of the Australian Racist Attacks -- Oh Wat a blow-out! Why would the Indian Media (already famous for blowing things out of proportion and making mountains out of a mole hill) spend so much of air-time and print space on this? Its not like its the first time? Just coz this time someone complained, the media decided to track even the smallest of crimes and convert it into a hate-crime! I read somewhere - Where does the Indian Media go when Foreign students in India are being attacked, raped and murdered? Why is that not 'blown-out-of-proportion'? So I feel, Guys.. I agree what is happening in Australia is extremely UNFAIR and I would urge that 'set of people' who are doing this to kindly STOP! but pleasee.. is it right to term the entire nation as Racist? Are indians not racist when it comes to Dark-skin and Fair-skinned? come onn....
- I am working on a hugggeee assignment at work. It could be called my 'biggest assignment' till date.. Since I am part of the Marketing Communications team.. my sole job is to make our 'ugly fugly' Conference Room into a state-of-the-art executive Conference Room.. So currently I am an Interior Designer cum Communications specialist. Not only do I decide what kind of furniture, plants, decorations will go into the room but also decide on what kind of branding to be done! wohooo! I love my job NOW! :D
- S got the 'Innovator of the Year' award at his company and my joys knew no bounds! [tanu does a lil hop-skip-n-jump] All his hard work and dedication and my yelling that he has no time for me.. has paid off! haha.. I loved it! :)
- So Congress is the new Government. Me Is Happy! I hated BJP! honestly.. their biased and racist.. and Hindutva views drove me nuts! I just hope that Mr.PM and his team gets down to business immediately and do what they promised us they will do!
- I dont like the fact that BJP is still in Power in Karnataka.. They are useless.. regressive.. old.. and support Muthalik and his C**P brigade! (wont say more.. on that)
- I am on-edge most of the time.. scared about my job..hoping daily that my ID Card works when I go to work! :(.. I wish the economic crisis gets sorted out quick!
- S and I have not taken a vacation in the past 6 months... sigh! It is sort of driving us up the wall.. Not even a weekend Guys.... grrr.. So we are planning to take 5 days off and go to Goa (I have already told you how much I love that place) Plus I wanted to experience Goa in Monsoons.. I have heard its Gorgeous.. :)
- Went to a new restaurant last night called Suburbia - A Goan Resto-bar Par Excellence.. Its on the Outer Ring Road (for those familiar with Blore)... Amazing Chicken Xacuti and Vindaloo... Great Cocktails (I had Black Russian..yumm)... And very very relaxed!
- Loving .. absolutely LOVING the weather in Bangalore Right Now.. Its windy.. Its rainy..Its cold.. Its Beautiful! reason why I don't wanna leave Bangalore! :)
- It was my Parents' 30th Wedding Anniversary On 1st June.. and on the occasion my Papa (the forever romantic) took my Mamma to Leh and Ladakh for a Holiday (or as my mother called it.. their '2nd honeymoon') LOL.. I love the fact that My parents are still so much 'in love' with each other and don't histate displaying it.. and I truely wish that S and I could match up to that 30 years down our married life! ooh I love my parents..they are so cute! And I wish them 30 More years of love and Happiness! :)
phew.. So that was the update from my side.. Some pics will be up in the next post.. And I have tonnes of catching up to do.. So the 'regulars' I will be checking your blogs very soon! :)
Ciao till then!