Yelllloooossss...howwwareyoussss....wasssuppppsss...ahem lame! :S...anyways....before i begin...MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALLL.... hope you all have a peaceful, bright, shiny, colourful and a very very gorgeous Christmas and a New Year... and may this New Year be a bit better in terms of peace...(though i seriously doubt that after reading the newspaper headlines i.e. Pak's Reactions....hmph!)....happiness...career..and life in general!
So... I have been super excited for a week now regarding Christmas.. I remember in my younger days (i did not say i am old...grrr)... :P... me and my sister used to decorate our in-house Christmas Tree... my dad even got the 'Snow Spray' which used to go more on us than the tree..but nevertheless..it used to be fun just decorating the tree and wearing 'Red' in some form or the other 3 days before Christmas... :) I also remember one particular christmas very very clearly -- My extended family was in town.. and the elders of the family decided to organize a 'Treasure Hunt' for us 'baccha' log! So we spent a very very 'brrrrrinng' cold evening in our Society...looking for clues...laughing..giggling..running..and finding our presents..! sigh! those were the days...
anyways...snapping out of nostalgia...so i decided to do something special this Christmas.. Soubhagya also decided to do something special this Christmas. So I baked..He Ate.. and we got our very first Christmas Tree! :D... The tree looks gorgeous sitting in our living room complete with lights and bells... (aww to hubby who surprised me with the tree since i had chewed his ear about my 'younger days' Christmas stories..) :D
And I love to Bake... I have been searching for 'reciepes' for Plum Cake, Brownies and Cookies

online for the past week.. and finally found some reciepes i liked.. Bought the ingredients and spent 4 hours last evening.. baking 2 Plum Cakes (yummmmmm) and 3 batches of Chocolate Cookies with 'Dairy Milk' Chippings... To my pleasant surprise...everything came out brilliantly yummmy... the Plum Cake was delicious..soft on inside and hard on the top... the cookies could have been a lil less 'sweet'!!! well..all in all an awesomely successful 'Bake Night'..! The Plum Cakes are almost over (1 finished by hubby last night itself..and the other finished by office colleagues... today!)
Next on agenda...Brownies and Pancakes....
The 'ho ho ho' effect has finally caught on to me...and I am loving the Holiday Spirit.. makes me forget any kind of tension i might have in life!... sigh.....
hey nice pic!and tht cake definitely looked delicous
thanks Ria...that cake was one hell of an effort! :D
:) that's awesomely sweet of your husband :D save us some plum cake next time you bake!
heyy tanu,
awesome gal, nice blog dude, keep it comming !!!
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