Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Travel & Living Charms Its way to my Heart

Every time I watch Discovery Travel&Living Channel, I drift into its world. The world where you get meaningful ink tattoos, the world where you can whip up and eat that delicious meal, the world where Nigella Lawson creates magic in her kitchen with the simplest of ingredients (that I hope to create one day in my kitchen), a world where you take the Spice trail with Anthony Bordain and land in a country with its own unique qualities and food, a world where I get to visit those beautiful countries and towns that in my real life, may not get the opportunity to visit.

I keep a diary. I write those exotic recipes so that I can create them one day. I design those gorgeous meaningful tattoos coz I wish to get a Meaningful Tattoo one day on my back. I try to find within myself, what is 'meaningful' to me. I make a list of 'Things to do before you die' and '10 romantic destinations in the world' while watching the shows on the channel so that I have reference.

When I watch 'Lonely Planet', 'No Reservations', 'Traveller' or any such show, sitting on my sofa, I get transported to the land. Be it the villages of Sweden and Norway, the by lanes of Turkey, the hustle-bustle of London, the Cafe-lined streets of Paris, the small towns of Eastern Europe, the grandeur of Spain, the romance of Italy or the beauty of Switzerland -- I feel I am right there, in the moment, travelling it. Travel&Living is my way of living my life. Somehow I am more mesmerized by the beauty of Europe (of course after India). After India (which I have travelled quite a Bit), I wish to explore Europe.

I am a (wannabe) traveller. "One who has not travelled has only read the first page of the book". I wish to see the world and Travel&Living is my way to do that.

I will tell you a little secret: Sometimes I just sit on my computer and browse 'Lonely Planet' website. It gives me peace and calm! Is that crazy? Maybe so. But I like it! :)


bunnygoeszen said...

Hehehe babe, do what I do and just book cheap tickets whenever! :D Life is too short, if you feel like traveling just do it ;)

Homecooked said...

LOL...I share the dream ;)

Toon Indian said...

I tool like the shows..although not as fervently as you do!!

Rakesh said...

Hey long time... Did you leave for one such holiday to a lonely planet?

Yeah, I remember when I was in college, I used to make a note of places to see. That diary is long lost somewhere :(

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